Will has been nominated for a readers' choice award!

Will has been nominated for BigAl's Books and Pals 2015 Readers' Choice Awards!

If you've read Will and liked it, please consider giving me your vote. Indie books need all the publicity they can get, and the overall audience is small enough that every vote will make a big difference in this contest.

If you haven't read it yet, but have been meaning to get to it, this would be a great time to do so smile emoticon. Please don't vote if you haven't read it though, that wouldn't be fair.

Oh, and to sweeten the deal, they're also raffling off prizes for voters.

To vote, click the link below and then scroll down until you see the embedded voting widget that asks you to log in with Facebook or just your email address. My book is listed under the Contemporary/Literary/General fiction category.

Thanks for the help!!
